How many driving lessons on average do you think you need to take before you can pass? 

Chances are, this is a question you’ve been asking yourself and others. We’re here to tell you the answer; it ‘does not matter’.

That’s right. It does not matter what the average number of lessons is, because you are not an average person. You are unique with unique skills and unique needs. You probably have noticed when asking around for the number of average lessons you’ll get all sorts of ridiculous numbers.

We’ve even heard people claiming they only needed 10 lessons to pass their driving test! Let’s pretend for a second that they’re telling the truth (they’re not). They passed after 10 lessons (they didn’t). So what? What has somebody else’s ability (or imagination) got to do with you? The reason is simple. Do you want to simply pass your test, or do you want to be a safe and confident driver?

Using your driving lessons to become a safer driver

Every year hundreds of new drivers die on the road. Imagine how much smaller the figure would be if all of those drivers had the desire to become safe drivers, rather than to just scrape a pass for their driving test with the minimum amount of lessons?

Think about it for a second. Do you want to sacrifice your life (and other people’s) for the sake of shaving off a few hours and saving £100?

There is a myth out there that driving instructors want to stretch out the number of lessons as much as possible. That if they could, they’d make you have to take 100 lessons before you could take your test.

This is just untrue. Every driving instructor has a responsibility to you. They would rather be accused of stretching out lessons than be the one who rushed through 20 lessons for a young person to pass their test only to die in a car crash months later.

That is why we’re not going to tell you what the average number of lessons it takes to pass.

We don’t want to add to the idea that the point of driving lessons is to learn the bare minimum in the minimal amount of time to squeeze through a pass.

Simply put, it will take you as long as it needs to and as many lessons as it takes to be a safe and confident driver.

Remember, your safety is worth far more than any amount of money you think you’ll be saving by rushing things.