What area do you teach in?
We are based in West London. If you arent from this area, then just like some of our other students who want to learn with FM Driving , we can meet somewhere convenient to both the student and instructor. Best is to call and find out
What are your prices?
It varies according to area, and block booking. Most of our students block book lessons making lessons alot cheaper then pay as you go. Really depends on how you wish to do it. Look out for our online offers which we have going every month
Are your instructors fully qualified?
YES. we are fully qualified instructor with over 15years experience, book with us with full confidence
What is your pass rate?
Alot of instructors like to make up figures here, we say let our results speak for itself. check online on our social media platform, facebook, instagram, snapchat @fmdriving or FM Driving School on facebook and get full confidence on our students passing