It all depends on you, will you put the hours in, will you be free with your driving instructor, are you serious student, are you taking home all the information.
to put simply of course you can learn to drive in a week. But it helps if you out the work in, either by watching FM driving schools YouTube videos, learning extra in your own car, taking the necessary lessons need in.
How do I learn to drive a car in a short time?
There are no shortcuts other than “drive a lot, frequently, in all conditions”. And preferably with different cars and different instructors.
Book driving lessons 3–5 times a week, 2h at a time. The longer gaps you leave between your lessons, the more you will have forgotten come the next time, and the slower you will develop your “driver’s reflexes”.
The more different the environments you drive, the better. The first lesson, you might want to stick with an empty parking lot. Then emptier, wide roads. Then highways. Then your average city traffic. Then nonsense old town roads where most street edges are parked full so that two cars can’t feasibly fit past one another unless one yields and settles itself halfway into an empty parking spot, each street has its own speed limit, a third of the roads are dead-ends or one-way, and when it’s also rush hour.
You’ll want to drive at night once you’re past the first handful of hours. You will want to drive during rain. You will want to drive at night, during rain. You will want to drive in fog. If you live anywhere where snow and/or ice are yearly occurrence, you’ll want to drive on ice, in snow, when it’s raining sleet. (Bonus points for summer tyres, but stick to places where you can’t crash into anyone if you want to know how that feels.) If the season is wrong, you might look up artificial “ice roads”/”slippery tracks” in your general vicinity, and practice there.
You will want to know how to turn around in places that are barely wider than your car is long.. If you drive a manual, you will want to learn how to take off on an upwards slope without stalling your car. And generally without burning your clutch, destroying your gearbox, or annoying your fellow drivers at intersections. You want to be able to maneuver and park backwards as well as forwards. You want to be able to be parallel park on snow without taking five minutes to do so.
You have to develop a sense of where other cars and pedestrians are at all times. You have to be able to watch and follow all traffic signs and markings at the same time. You have to be able to know how wide, long, tall (clearance and height) your car is, instinctively. And you have to do it all quickly enough to not get in everyone’s way. You have to learn when to speed match before a merge, and when to stop and wait.
But you also have to know when someone else is being impatient beyond reason and just wants you to move when you absolutely shouldn’t. You have to know how quickly you can make the turn you want to make and whether you can do so safely. Or whether you can fit through somewhere. Sometimes, you will have to just ignore someone incessantly beeping behind you when it simply isn’t possible to safely move with your particular vehicle. It’s perhaps less common than people being frustrated at someone dallying without a cause, but it happens, too. You don’t want to be T-boned because the fellow behind you didn’t see the approaching vehicle you saw from your superior viewing angle.
It all takes time. Until you can do all that and more, you’re not truly ready. Cars are dangerous. There are no shortcuts, no tricks. Just practice, practice, practice, and practice some more until you can parallel park uphill both ways at night, in snow, between a Lamborghini and a Ferrari, during rush hour with annoyed drivers honking at you. And you’re also running late yourself, for good measure. (Can you pass your national driving exam with less? Probably. But you won’t be a good driver for a while. There must be a reason why the insurance payments for new drivers are ridiculously high over here…)